вторник, 19 июня 2012 г.


cozen - обманывать, вовлекать
"I cozened him into it, playing upon his fears..."

brimstone - сера
"...brimstone-stinking emptiness full of lost souls like myself."

arrogance - высокомерие, заносчивость
"He was a biddable lad with none of his mother's arrogance..."

timidity - робость
"Your father's infected you with his timidity."

presume - осмелиться
"She looked at her son as a woman might look at a stranger who had presumed to touch her arm."

plump - ставить на что-то
latter - последний (из двух)
"When I consider the last eight years of my life I plump for the latter"

warily - осторожно
"She looked at me warily."

tipsily - подвыпив
"His mother rose tipsily..."

grasp - схватить
"She turned to Henry, grasped his arm, and spilled wine on his wrist."

weakling - слабак, неженка
"She expressed the opinion that feelings, like fairness, were also the last resort for weaklings."

constricted - стеснённый
ill-tempered - сварливый
"Coming through her thus constricted throat, those snores sounded like the growling of an old-tempered dog."

burlap - джутовый
"Go into the shed and fetch a burlap sack."

subside - затихать
"She subsided. Henry stirred and groaned."

2 комментария:

  1. tipsily - подвыпив
    "His mother rose timpsily..."
    so, is it tipsily or timpsily?

  2. Oh, yes, it's tipsily. I probably made a mistake when was copying it from the book.
