вторник, 19 июня 2012 г.

More vocabulary

stagger - пошатываться
"He staggered toward the bed."

counterpane - стеганное покрывало
shroud - саван
"We rolled her up, making the counterpane her shroud."

ooze - сочиться
bloated - раздутый
"...oozing blood as a bloated sponge will ooze water."

quilt - лоскутное одеяло
"There was a quilt in the closet."

gorge - горло
"I fought with my gorge and lost."

murky - мутный, грязный (о воде)
"There was an echoing splash when it struck the murky water at the bottom."

siren - сирена
gooseflesh - гусиная коже
prickle - выступать, покалывать
"A high siren of laughter commenced behind me, a sound so close to insanity that it made gooseflesh prickle all the way from the crack of my backside to the nape of my neck."

stride - большой шаг
"I reached him in three strides and slapped him as hard as I could"

rustling - шуршание
"I had always found that quiet rustling a comfort."

bellowing - мычать
"Our few cows were bellowing, their morning milking hours overdue"

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