пятница, 22 июня 2012 г.

Alternative ending

I would like to write about an alternative ending to "1922", because this story has some points that could probably change main character's life. The way he did it, Wilfred ended up in a hotel room of a city he couldn't stand, killed by both huge supernatural rats and guilt for his wife's and his son's fate.

In my opinion he didn't have to choose suicide as a solution to his problems. He could simply go to the police and confess. Of course he would get some penalty, but he wouldn't feel so guilty for what he has done because he would be punished for it.

But on the other hand, the events took place in 1920s, it was the time when most killers were sent to the electric chair, because it was a new kind of execution and the judicial system was experimenting with it. The main character himself thought about it:

"For the first time since Sheriff Jones had come out to the farm, asking his cheerful, no-answers-needed questions and looking at everything with his cold inquisitive eyes, the electric chair seemed like a real possibility to me, so real I could almost feel the buckles on my skin as the leather straps were tightened on my wrists and above my elbows."

Moreover, even if he managed to stay alive and go to prison, I think the rats would get him anyway, because it wasn't simply guilt that was haunting him, but some kind of curse or a divine penalty.

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