среда, 21 сентября 2011 г.

Reasons to take this book.

The most interesting fact is that the book is written in first person and the main character is a serial killer. A detective story the narrator of which is a serial killer is quite extraordinary these days.  It's always exciting to read a book or watch a movie when a villain stands in the first place. But though Dexter kills people he doesn't seem so bad when you're reading the book, he looks like an ordinary man. The character is written very properly, we understand the way he thinks from the first pages. He works as a blood pattern analyst in Miami Police, every day he helps to catch killers and maniacs, he has a stepsister Deborah and a girlfriend Rita he loves, he likes children... But something in his past made him empty inside, he can't feel anything and has to fake all the emotions. And he's good at it, nobody ever suspected him of anything bad, he is a "good guy" for everyone. None of them know about the demon that hides inside him.

And this is the first problem that author describes in this book: "Нow many people around us are faking their emotions when they are in the street or at work?" A lot of them. They pretend to be friendly or happy for their own purposes, for example not to offend people around them, to get a promotion, to make their life easier etc.

Another problem that is mentioned is related to the Code of Dexter that his stepfather, a policeman, taught him: to kill only "bad" people, like serial killers who got out of jail by mistake or because of a law loophole and who won't change. Dexter can't stop killing, something inside him makes him do it, so his father tried to secure ordinary people by directing him to the criminals. The second problem that the author describes is about the equivalence of human lives. "Is the life of a killer equal to a life of an ordinary man?" - that is the question he asks. "Can human judge who's to live and who's to die?"

This book will be interesting to those who like detective stories and thrillers. In addition the main character has a strong personality so people who like psychological immersion would enjoy it too.

7 комментариев:

  1. Sasha, this is a good start. The problems that you note are rather curious and it's interesting to see how the author will answer those as the plot progresses. Go ahead and do some vocabulary exercises (for example, mind-map).

  2. Sasha, the description is great. The book is going to be very interesting =)

  3. As I understand you chose this book after having watched the TV series based on "Darkly Dreaming Dexter". Of course it's of great interesting to learn about some differences between book and TV series, some aspects of interpretation and differences between director's perception of this book and yours. Hope the next post to be as fascinating as this one.

  4. While reading the description of the book, it seemed to me that Sasha is a serial killer and that the foundation of his choice is to exonerate those who are killers.
    However, it sounds better, then Dontsova. I like the description of the book you've chosen.
    Hope the next post will be... Will be.

  5. I am glad to see that Sasha's post is so popular among our group. Zhenya, you have a queer idea, Rita - your comment should be more extensive, Sasha - I like your comment, you dwell on the reasons of Sasha's choice and add some extra information

  6. I don't like detective stories, but this one seems quite worthwhile. It's breathtaking to know the thoughts of the serial killer because plenty of books only tell us how killers do their work, but not what they think during this work.

  7. I should say that it was very interesting to read you blog and I even have to thank you, because I always wanted to understand state of mind of the killers. It happend so that I was mistaken when I thought that a person, who kills other people have some mental disease, but in fact Dexter seems to be a normal person. Every one has its own monster inside, but he is the only one who doesn't hide it.
