yammer - кричать, говорить без умолку
"...the small irresistible voice yammering in my ear would have made me stop everything..."
rascal - мошенник, плут
"He was up to no good again, the rascal."
nudge - 1) зд. медленно въезжать 2) толкать локтем
"I nudged my car into a parking place over the cruise ship office..."
stutter - запинаться, заикаться
"Rita's observation was so unexpected I couldn't even stutter for a minute."
tattered - разорванный в клочья
amid - среди
"...the start of the day amid the last tattered pieces of dream."
scowl - хмуриться, бросить сердитый взгляд
"Doakes slouched back in his chair with a last scowl at me."
insight - озарение, проницательность
"Oh, just a guess. Not a real insight, I'm afraid."
"...the small irresistible voice yammering in my ear would have made me stop everything..."
rascal - мошенник, плут
"He was up to no good again, the rascal."
nudge - 1) зд. медленно въезжать 2) толкать локтем
"I nudged my car into a parking place over the cruise ship office..."
stutter - запинаться, заикаться
"Rita's observation was so unexpected I couldn't even stutter for a minute."
tattered - разорванный в клочья
amid - среди
"...the start of the day amid the last tattered pieces of dream."
scowl - хмуриться, бросить сердитый взгляд
"Doakes slouched back in his chair with a last scowl at me."
insight - озарение, проницательность
"Oh, just a guess. Not a real insight, I'm afraid."